Thursday, February 5, 2009

Remember Measles...but Vit A?

I'm 9 months old now and when you complete 9 months you are given vaccine for measles. This thing everybody knows but very few people know that alongwith measles vaccine of Vit A should also be given to children. It is easily available in Govt hospitals but Pvt doctors often miss it.. Do you know Rishab Bhaiya also did not get first dose of Vit A? Why i'm saying first dose because it is given in total 5 doses after every 6 months interval. First dose in 9 month then in 15 month, 21 month ,27 month and 33 month. This is an ideal time but one can start in any month but should maintain 6 months gap.. Do you know that Vit A is essential for growth and development of human body? It helps our body to fight against infections and diseases.

I also went to Govt Health Center, near our home, with Mummy and Papa to get vaccinated for Measles and Vit A. We reached there at exactly 9 am and was first to get token slip. Thereafter we went to vaccination room where Nurse Didi was already present. She asked my age, inspected my vaccination card and said that vaccine would be given on right arm.. But Papa thought it would be better to talk to Dr Sridhar Uncle regarding this matter. Uncle said that this vaccine is given subcutaneously so can be given anywhere.. they suggested right arm so that we can remember easily where it was given first time..

I was wearing inner , T-Shirt and sweater so it was not easy to give vaccine on arms , therefore, it was decided to give vaccine on my thighs.. Before vaccine i was given an oral dose of 1/2tsp of Vit A.. At the time of injection i was ok but when i was given Vit A , i cried and protested..

With this my 1st year of vaccination completed.. Now next vaccination was to be given after 6 months which was of MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) with Vit A.

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